I will be participating in Desert Tri this weekend! My first triathlon and exactly one quarter of a full IronMan. I'll swim 800 meters, bike 24 miles, and run 6 miles. Suuuper excited :) Will be able to officially say I am a triathlete.
For all two people who actually follow this blog (thanks Mom) I'd like to update you on my training.. When I started I had never been on a road bike, never ran more than 13 miles, and was barely a decent swimmer.. Now I can bike over 52 miles, run over 10 and swim 2000+ meters no problem.
I love this from teammate Marvin:
Hey, Erin - count your friend's moms as following you too. Thanks for the camaraderie you provide Janelle in this...THING you guys do. You make the difference in her journey, even if she just jokes about what's up next. You had her practically ROTFLOL when you came up with "blame it on TNT" - or whatever acronym you use for the "tri-speak" you are developing. That's right - you are becoming an elite group (like rocket scientists) that are so far above the regular mortal when it comes to the physical and mental stuff you can accomplish. Good for you - you make all the Moms & Dads proud to have you in their family. Stay calm & carry on - go TNT girls!!