So this blog should be about how I biked 60 miles today, or about how I finished my first Triathlon last weekend, or how I love IronTeam or some other motivational sht, but instead I want to outline my weekend because I can't believe that this is now my life. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just saying it is a lot, A LOT of work training for an IronMan. I used to spend my weekends shopping, clubbing, drinking, sleeping-in, relaxing, running errands, visiting friends and family.. But now, this:
Friday night:
Get home from work at 7. Eat healthy meal in preparation for 4 hour ride the next day. Debate about having a beer for about 20 minutes.. barely decide it isn't worth it thus zero alcohol consumption this Friday night.
Prep for the 4 hour ride including filling water bottles, washing riding clothes, planning nutruition etc. This is more complicated than it sounds.
Bed by 11.
Wake up at 645, 'fuel' up with oatmeal. Apply Chamois Butter. Leave for practice at 730.
Arrive at PCH and hear route, BIKE RIDE FOR FOUR FCKING HOURS: pedal, pedal, pedal, hydrate, pedal, pedal, pedal (and so on). Finish ride and immediately RUN HILLS FOR 30 MORE MINUTES. Stretch, drink recovery drink, act perky to try to mask the pain (fail), listen to pep talk from coaches..
At this point it is already 1:30 in the afternoon, I've burned probably over 2500 calories and I am starving so head to lunch with IronTeam.. Scarf food, occasionally remembering to chew.
Lunch ends around 330. Limp/stagger home for long hot shower and 100% necessary power nap (best part of day). This isn't a normal nap either, it's more like a state of coma..
Ok, now it's 530 PM, I have done nothing all day but train and recover from training.. I remember that I am not only doing an IronMan but also trying to raise $6000 for Leukemia and Lymphoma in order to do this IronMan... I am trying to throw a fundraiser so I sit down for 2 hours and research a bunch of venues for my fundraiser, send emails, search for companies that will donate stuff.. etc.
At 800 cook a healthy dinner in preparation for the next workout, eat, clean kitchen..Again, zero alcohol consumption.. Honestly, I don't even want to go out at this point.. It hurts too much!
Since I have another workout tomorrow I have to go to bed early, so at 9 I prep water-bottles, running gear, set alarms, etc..
Blog about IronWeekend because maybe people will pity me and donate to my cause.. (hint hint)
Bed by 1030..
Sunday my schedule will most likely be:
Wake up @ 745, 'fuel' for 11 mile run. Get to practice, RUN 11 MILES. Finish practice around 1130.. Head straight to the POOL to SWIM for 1+ hours! Shower and head home. So around 2 I'll be done working out for the day...
For the few non working-out hours I have I plan to visit as many potential fundraiser venues as possible with the goal of choosing one.
6PM- head to West Hollywood to support teammates at a fundraiser...
11PM- crawl into bed, yes, literally crawl. At this point I will have biked 60 miles, ran 11 and swam nearly 2 in the last 48 hours.. I will have devoted pretty much every waking moment of my weekend to Team in Training. I wish I could finish this with something motivational and inspiring but I won't because, first, I doubt anyone read to this point anyone, and second.. I'm too tired.
Oh, Erin ... even when we don't comment, we are still there with you. We get to see the stresses every day around here, and know what you are going through & doing. AND, we are looking forward to that wine tasting, too. Let's get some awesome baskets for the fundraiser!!! YAY! (not wanting to sound too enthusiastic, here.)